August 1, 2011

A trip to Nashville

Again Cassie and Nathan have allowed me to share their news with you.
Cassie has been hospitalised as one of their little babies has a ruptured sac.
While the situation is stable at the moment and the second baby is unaffected for now, they face the very real possibility of loosing one or both of them.

I am flying to Nashville to be with them. Please pray that I will handle the travel well, and arrive capable of supporting them. I have not slept much over the past few nights so I am in danger of being a liability to them rather than a help!

Pray also that God will be merciful and grant these little ones life.

Pray that Cassie and Nathan will trust their heavenly Father to care for them and their children.

I will keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. Thankyou God for life, and for this beautiful world that we live in. We pray that Ruth will have a safe and restful trip, and that she will be a comfort and blessing to her family.
    Take care, Ruth. We will be thinking of you and your family. Enjoy. We look forward to hearing from you.
