February 9, 2011

A friendly RAA man

Wayman and I headed off on our little trip to the Clare Valley on Monday morning.
We got as far as Lobethal, about 7 minutes from home, and our car died. Something I haven't had happen to me for a looong time.
So I called the RAA. [read NRMA for Sydneysiders] Then we settled down to wait, expecting about an hour.
15 minutes later a friendly RAA man pulled up in his trusty van and announced we were lucky, as he was going past on his way to the next job, so he slotted us in.

Mrs Turner has locked her keys in the car again he said so I had to come through Lobey.

He took one look at our car, and what the warning light on the dash was saying and announced Nope, can't do much for ya, but Jon at Bridgy is the place to go. Where do you live?

I told him.

Great, I'll drop you home, get your spare car, you can take that one away [I had explained we were heading up country] and I'll arrange a tow to Jonnos place. You can leave the keys on the front wheel, pity for you to have to wait, don't know how long the truck will be.

He was delightful getting me organised in his van, apologising for the mess, I explained I was a farm girl so not to fuss, but I must admit I held the seat belt away from my white blouse to avoid the grease!
He took another call from the RAA on the drive home, and it was clear he knew half the people in the hills.

Luuvly house, knew the bloke who used to live here!
Mrs Turner is just down the road, don't worry I haven't kept her waiting too long.

Wayman and I repacked the second car, left the keys on the wheel and drove off.
That night I rang "Jonno" and he had the car and was organising to look at it.

The wonders of living in a society that is still innocent and trustworthy.


  1. Oh funny, only in the hills Mum!!!! Love Steph

  2. I know him Ruth - we get him about once a year for a flat battery (leaving the internal light on all night will do it every time)! He is the only RAA man in the hills and comes from Birdwood. Never takes more than about 15 mins, always helpful, and does know everybody!
