She has been an industrious person all her life and she can't sit still without some kind of needlework in her hands.

Here is an example of her hardanger.
This is a runner that is on my dining room side board.

This is what it looks like up close

Mum is 87 and has difficulty hearing and phone calls are a trial to her.
So recently she bought a computer, so she can email us all.
She is on facebook to keep up with her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
When she heard that Cassie is expecting twins, she accepted the job of knitting for great-grandchildren numbers 26 and 27.

These little people are going to be born in the northern winter so they will need woollens and great-grannie is working to ensure that they won't be cold.
I have been knitting as well.
I am not proficient.

My offerings will be their "around home" children still have around-home-clothes?????
They are going to be the snuggest little bugs in the world! Thank you!! It's really lovely to see the picture of Granny with her knitting - I'm so pleased they'll have something from her xx