The daffodils are starting to flower, so I thought I would brighten your day with some photos.

They are around the gazebo by the tennis court and I see them every time I walk out the back door.

Do you like the pink flamingos?
We had them at the beach house and we moved them into garden here.
They are not every ones idea of good taste, but I like them, and it is my garden, so they are here to stay!
How can something this beautiful have been the result of random evolving circumstances?

And what purpose is there in a daffodil other than to give pleasure?
Nature constantly reinforces my belief in intelligent design by a God who wants to delight us.
Through the difficult times that continue to be part of our lives, I am glad I can see a sea of daffodils to remind myself of that.
Daffodils hold many memories for me... like mum... and her mum... and trauling throught the pavillion at the Royal Show investigating the new varieties (though I always did that part begrudgingly...) To me they always mean that Winter is nearly over.