We inherited a vegie patch that had never been used. I have never had a vegie patch, but was keen to put this one to use. Steph pottered in it with me, trying to work out how to make it viable with the rabbits living in the creek right next to it.
So Shane built us a fence.

Cam, one of two wonderful gardeners who help us on the property was also very enthusiastic, and has the knowledge to make it work. He constructed boxes to grow the vegies in. Apparently rabbits can't climb. Jonty was a huge help at this stage, inspecting the work and giving a running commentary.

With the patch being quite large, we needed multiple boxes so Cam made smaller boxes in the shed and Wayman helped transport them on his brand new tractor!

The soil in the plot was beautiful mushroom compost, so Cam used it for the bottom layer in the boxes. [ please note that I haven't done anything yet!]

He then layered the boxes with a mixture of things that he assures me will guarantee us success!
Then came the watering system

At last it was time to plant and in Waymans' case to weed the surrounding area......

and to put stakes in for the tomatoes......

and then to apply pea straw! Could it be any easier than this???

Now I am the proud owner of a vegie patch! And I didn't have to do a thing!
There is just one snag......... the watering system isn't connected yet, so I am hand watering it everyday by carrying cans from the house.
It takes four trips.
I think the exercise is good for me.
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