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Those of you who have experience with radiotherapy will know the importance of precision in targeting the tumour. In the case of a brain tumour, the patient has to be anchored in the machine with their head completely still. To achieve this a mask is molded to their face and head shape, and this is "bolted" to the machine, over their faces.
Here is Wayman's mask

People often find this very difficult, I can't imagine how I would cope.
Wayman coped extremely well, as I have mentioned before. He attributes this to two things. The staff at the clinic were wonderful. They kept him calm and relaxed. Their combination of professionalism and kindness helped him to deal with the proceedure day after day, and amazingly he slept through his treatment on several occasions.
The second component was the prayer support of many of you. God is faithful and graciously allowed Wayman a good experience in trying circumstances. We believe in a God who is personal and we continue to ask that His will be done in our lives.
Wayman has had the maximum amount of radiotherapy that the brain can absorb so we will not be needing the mask again. The staff gave it to us on his last day, almost as a right of passage. He carried it out with pride, I wanted to throw it in the first rubbish bin! I don't think it will become a family heirloom in-spite of Wayman's "attachment" to it.
Post, post script
We watched the Magpies win the AFL premiership together. Wayman decided he didn't need to go back again, and we celebrated quietly. However I expect to find him watching replays as often as he can over the next few weeks!
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