I have taken a bit of poetic licence with the title of this blog, but it was too good not to use!
Cassie is in hospital on complete bed rest, counting the days as she gives her babies every chance of life.
They both need 2 and 1/2 weeks before the doctors can help them. The little girl is short on fluid that is vital for her lungs to develop, so even if she makes the time line she has many huddles to overcome.
So we wait and lean on our Father again to provide all we need to be patient and trusting. Cassie is in a wonderful hospital with a team of people who are at the top of their field.
One of the last things I did before leaving Adelaide was to visit my local Spotlight store to pick up something to help pass the time. I chose two cross stitch kits for us to do.
Don't you agree with me that "a tale of two tapestries" is a much catchier title than "a tale of two cross-stitch kits" ????????????
Here they are!

Being in Tennessee is providing me with some challenges as I try to explain the birds we are working on.
They love the colourful Rosellas and think that the Kookaburras look cute and cuddly. I haven't corrected them at this stage. I have also managed to this point to refrain from giving them an example of the Kookaburras' laugh!
I think Cassie is living in fear of her Mum embarrassing her with a rendition of "Kooraburra sits in the old gum tree"!!!!
If you have been praying for us, thank you.
I know it is a powerful tool that it ours to use.
And I know
"that we have a great high priest who has gone through the heavens,
Jesus the Son of God.........
so let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need."
Dear Ruth, What can we say except to let you know that our thoughts and prayers are with you at this very sad time. May you feel & know Gods peace, comfort , strength & loving arms around you all God bless & keep you.. Love & care Bob & Judy Lisle