We have a long weekend here in SA and it is time to check the level of the river as the Victorian flood waters are heading our way at last. All the reports indicate that our shack will not have any water damage but I think our jetty may go under!
Wayman is finding he is going slower and spending more time inside, having said that, he is mowing the lawns at the moment! I am very grateful for the garden as it is a real interest for him and allows him to feel involved in life.
Nathan has come out from Nashville and he and Cassie will fly home to the US sometime in the next few days.
Please pray that we will say goodbye well, and that they will be at peace about going home to continue living their lives for Jesus on the other side of the world.
We are continuing to find supportive people in the hills, and this has allowed us both to feel as in control of our situation as we can. I am grateful for both christian friends and professional people who have given me advice and encouragement over the past few weeks.
We attended church this morning, and Wayman announced that he had enjoyed the sermon as we left, thanks Clayton. We will assess each Sunday as it comes from here on.
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