March 30, 2011

A new treatment

Yesterday Wayman started a new treatment for his tumour.
We were very pleased that he tolerated it well.
Today he is very tired, a side effect that is expected.
Please pray that he will not suffer any other major complications.

We are grateful for so much, and have enjoyed some wonderful autumn days this past week, we have even had a fire going in the lounge room!

I have a window in the kitchen that is flooded with sunlight early in the mornings.

It is a delight to come into this room each morning when the sun is out. Each day is a new beginning and we are so thankful for every one that we are given.

I am enjoying this time with Wayman as his body adjusts to the new drug. Our home is a wonderful refuge for us as we wait patiently to see what our loving Father has in store for us.

just so you know.............this pumpkin is one of many!

March 28, 2011

a momentous occasion

Yesterday we attended our first school sporstday as Grandparents.
It took us both back to the excitement and drama of sportsdays past and we entered into the day with relish!

Before we start I need to apologise for the Tshirt C is wearing. He was the only one with chinese writing and a robot on his shirt. What was his Mother thinking?

The day began with instructions from Miss P on how to be a good spectator.

Event 1 Skipping

The crowd was enthralled, despite that fact that C tried to do it backwards, and announced that "this isn't working!"

Event 2 The soccerball kick

Now dear friends, I could take you through the remaining events of the beanbag throw, the hockey stick hit, the obstacle-a-thon etc, but I may be indulging myself so I will spare you the details of my grandsons feats.

However, the crowd continued to follow his success around the different venues.

C's Mother, was a proud official helping C and his friends to "stand behind the line" and to "wait your turn."

There was a lot of waiting

But then the thrill of the big moment when the bar was cleared in the high jump made it all worthwhile.

Leaving the field events behind, we headed for the track

By this stage of the day C had become aware of the adoring crowd, and waved and smiled at us instead of concentrating on the job of winning, much to his Grandmothers dismay.

Miss P even had a chance to show us her athletic abilities in the siblings race!
I had to take a shot before they started, as I was very busy barracking during the race....

Little Miss Candy-stripes had to be recalled as she beat the gun!

C loved having Grandpa at the big day and was thrilled to have a picture taken with him on such a momentous occasion.

Perhaps Grandma can find a plain shirt for next year!

March 23, 2011

A new path

Yesterday we met with Waymans oncologist to discuss a new path in his treatment.
We have decided to use a drug that is still being trialled here in the treatment of brain tumours.

Our oncologist is happy for Wayman to use it, as his colleagues interstate and overseas are seeing good results.

Next week we will begin this new treatment, in the hope that Wayman will benefit from it.
Both of us are a peace with where we are, and are not trying to prolong this earthly life beyond what is appropriate, but Waymans quality of life is still good, and we feel that we need to avail ourselves of every opportunity to enjoy it for as long as we can.

Please pray that we will continue to trust Gods perfect timing, and to thank Him for his provision of all that we need to live. May we so live to honour Him.

March 20, 2011

Introducing Tilly

Allow me to introduce Tilly

Tilly is a golden retriever who has joined the Rainbow family.
She has endeared herself to us all in just a week.

Yesterday she visited us, and kept Bel and Wayman company while C was hunting for dinosaur bones on the other side of the creek

She then helped Miss P and her Dad trim some dead branches off a tree

We watched as she proved she was a good play mate
happy to be patted.....

making Miss P giggle......

and playing chasey.

Tilly has been a wonderful distraction for us as we wait to see what the next stage in Waymans treatment will be.
We visit the oncologist on Wednesday to find out what our options are.
So having Tilly visit with her family has been a delight.

I have never been a dog person, but this little bundle of fluff is already winning over Grannie.....
and the good thing is, I can send her home with her "parents" along with the grandchildren to be trained, groomed and fed. Oh the joys of being a grand parent!

March 12, 2011

Wayman at the river

I thought I'd put up a photo of Wayman and the grandchildren at the river taken in January, as we are visiting there again tomorrow.

We have a long weekend here in SA and it is time to check the level of the river as the Victorian flood waters are heading our way at last. All the reports indicate that our shack will not have any water damage but I think our jetty may go under!

Wayman is finding he is going slower and spending more time inside, having said that, he is mowing the lawns at the moment! I am very grateful for the garden as it is a real interest for him and allows him to feel involved in life.
Nathan has come out from Nashville and he and Cassie will fly home to the US sometime in the next few days.
Please pray that we will say goodbye well, and that they will be at peace about going home to continue living their lives for Jesus on the other side of the world.

We are continuing to find supportive people in the hills, and this has allowed us both to feel as in control of our situation as we can. I am grateful for both christian friends and professional people who have given me advice and encouragement over the past few weeks.

We attended church this morning, and Wayman announced that he had enjoyed the sermon as we left, thanks Clayton. We will assess each Sunday as it comes from here on.

March 5, 2011

The runaway pumpkin plants

When we planted our veggie patch I announced to son-in-law number one that I had put in four pumpkin plants.
He smiled knowingly, as he has a veggie patch and knew something that I didn't know.
They can take over a garden and four plants was way too many!!!!

So I have watched my runaway pumpkins

take over the garden............

cling to the fence..........

climb the stairs........

head for the creek.....

and invade the farmers paddock!!!!!

All the time these plants are producing pumpkins

under the foliage.......

hanging on the fence.....

and sitting neatly on the sleepers!

I am not sure if there is a moral to my story, but perhaps there is a lesson to be learnt.
Next year I will share my punnet of seedlings with Angus and halve the problem!

I am still wondering how much further they will go.

There is a whole farm out there just waiting to be taken over!

March 2, 2011

A week on

Wayman has been home for a week, and he has enjoyed a return of many of his skills.
It appears that the blood clot may have been absorbed, and the pressure on his brain as a result has subsided. He will have an MRI next week to determine this.
The oncologist has also decided that Temazolomide, [the chemo drug he was on] is no longer having any effect so we will probably start a second stream approach next month.
Wayman is on a high dose of dexamethasone which has side effects such as insomnia, increased appetite and heightened agitation. These are the battles he faces every day, and he is trying hard to stay in control.

Cassie is with us for a few more days, and she has been a blessing just by being here, we are grateful that she had a window of time to spend with us.

Please pray that I will find the right balance in life so I can care for Wayman without becoming emotionally fragile. I can only do this through Him who strengthens me.

On a practical note, we have an issue with our power supply needing to be upgraded to enable us to heat our home effectively. It is getting a little chilly in the hills now, and I am anxious that we are able to fix the problem before our home becomes an icebox!
Pray that the various issues involved will all be sorted out.
Many thanks.