This morning I had a call from a dear friend in Sydney who hasn't seen Wayman since his diagnosis.
It occurred to me following our chat that I need to give our friends an update on Waymans current statis.
This week he is having his fifth round of Chemo and consequently he will spend a lot of time sleeping over the next couple of days.
Physically he does feel weaker especially in his legs, which is a great frustration to him. But he is still able to do a lot in the garden

We have many gum trees on the property so collecting the bark that has come down with a thunderstorm was a job to be done today.
One area that is a challenge for us both is his tendency now to interchange words, or his struggle to find a word he wants to use. This causes me to be overly protective of Wayman when we are in the company of other people, and I see them struggling to understand a sentence where for example, he uses chicken instead of egg. Wayman knows he means egg, but we had a very confused waiter in Clare when he was asked to make scrabbled chicken for breakfast! Wayman handles it well, and sails on, but I am finding it more challenging.
Please pray that I will be helpful without being overprotective.
Pray also that Wayman will stay positive as he faces these challenges. Pray that he will find purpose in the days here at Elmbrook as we spend more time at home.
It looks like Wayman has a lot of bark to pick up!!! - Let me know if he needs a bigger trailor or some help - Cheers Shane