September 16, 2010

To weed or not to weed?

Tuesday morning was the first morning we didn't have radiotherapy. We both felt great relief at not having to drive anywhere. The morning started with our home being fog bound.

The cows next door were quiet and not in any hurry to begin the day. Foggy mornings seem to do that to God's creation

Except for Wayman

He decided that it was the day to start weeding the lawn. Now, I am very happy for to him to be enthusiastic about this task, but the fact that he bought TWO cushioned kneeling thingys made me suspicious that I was meant to be involved. This is not my passion. Even when we lived in Sydney with a lawn the size of a postage stamp, I didn't feel the need to rid it of flat leafed weeds that invaded our space.

True, Sydney harbour is one of the most beautiful places in the world, and it is a bit hard to concentrate on the weeds when you could be sitting back enjoying the view!

But the point of this blog is to present my position on weeding. Would you join a man who decides to crawl over this lawn to weed it?

Wayman is the tiny little dot to the right of the gum tree.
I rest my case!

1 comment:

  1. Love it mum! Laughed-out-loud..
    Sounds like the "two-cushion" purchase has sealed the deal, there's no getting out of it for you now!
    Oakbank continues to look beautiful - Ct x
