June 19, 2012

Grannies got nerf guns!!!!!!!

Last week I decided to rectify the bias toward female toys in my house. I am an avid frequent flyer points collector, so I visited Big W to invest in some nerf guns and earn some points. My only experience with nerf guns was at Christmas time when C received one, and I was busy with other things and didn't take too much notice of his new toy.

Not knowing much about them I just bought the ones that were on special.
I think I purchased the intergalactic superduper machine gun variety!

I only bought two on my first foray, but then I decided that Miss P might like one too, so the little one was added to my arsenal.

They live in my rec room, a rather large space that is only used occasionally and has minimal furniture in it, just enough to provide cover in warfare.

These little babies have considerable fire power, much to the little boys delight.

We have the rule that you can't shoot at anyones head. This is quite difficult for Grannie as I usually shoot from the hip, and my opponents are a 4 and 6 year old. Their heads are usually in my target zone.
I work hard to avoid hitting their precious little noggins while they are firing at me at will!

One of the Dads fired the suction caps at the ceiling [it has a high vaulted middle] where they all stuck fast.
The next game was to try and dislodge them with other bullets. I think the soft toys were used in the end to knock them down.

Oh the fun of being a Grannie who owns nerf guns!

June 8, 2012

Barbie 25 years later

Today I decided it was time to clean the toys my grandchildren play with. 
I have a new home for them, in an old cupboard that we have brought into the rec room where they can be easily seen and accessed.

Most of them needed a wash.

You see, many of the toys in my home belonged to my daughters and they are now delighting their children. 

I do confess I have bought nerf guns for the little boys, barbies only hold their attention for so long.

Barbie dolls were very popular in our home 25 years ago. 

There was a bookcase that was converted into a dolls house for barbie and her friends, and the girls would play for hours decorating the rooms and changing barbies outfits.

She [in all her different forms] looked a bit worse for wear today, so I stripped her, and put all the clothes in the washing machine, wondering how many would be in one piece at the end of the cycle.

I then preceeded to wash her, and the one Ken doll we owned.

I covered Ken, even tho he isn't anatomically correct, it just seemed right.

I was amazed at how well the clothes survived!

There is a number of very classy evening outfits

and some more sporty ones

I have no recollection of acquiring these. 
The girls followed a number of different AFL teams...... I remember the Carlton faze, but not Sydney.

At last it was time to dress her in the beautiful clean clothes

It is exhausting putting the trousers on! In the end I went for the outfits that offered the least resistance.

Ken is still waiting to be dressed...........

he only has one outfit, and it is still wet. 

Next job is to put the pound puppies and cabbage patch kids through the machine.

You may well ask why I have chosen to blog on this after a long break. 
I have no idea, it really is a bit silly isn't it!