I turned 60 last week.
It is easy to type that in, but I have felt the weight of that number as I consider my life choices.
I decided to celebrate with a few women at home, inviting them to join me for high tea.
The girls and I had great fun finding Waymans Mothers fine china that has been stored in boxes and cupboards in our homes.
We pulled out her silver teaspoons and cake forks, found jam and sugar spoons and started to polish them all.

Kate had some beautiful things, most of them rarely used, stored for special occasions.

We decided she would agree that my 60th birthday was special.
The day started with champagne under the Elm trees.

Jill, Jacquie and Alison came from Sydney to join me and meet my Adelaide friends and family.

The lounge room was converted into a tea room, and we were seated comfortably at little tables, all very British!

What on earth am I doing with the cake fork?
The ladies at my table seem to be ignoring me, a senior moment perhaps?
The food was beautiful and delicious, provided by the wonderful Nicole from the Olive Branch in Balhannah..........

and the tea selections were perfect, with everyone agreeing that there was something for everyone.
My Mother came for the celebration. If I live as long as her, there will be plenty of time for senior moments!
note to self: try not to poke out friends eye with cake fork next time you have one in your hand!
My deeper thoughts on turning 60 are wrapped up in the Bible verse I have posted in the side bar.