I visited my mum today, and she was very keen to take me out into her backyard.
We often enjoy a walk there, as she is keen gardener, and while my brother-in-law Roger does most of the work, Mum takes great pride in her flowers.
But today she had something different to show me.
We had to use the sliding door out of her living area, rather than the laundry door, I wondered why.
When we were outside, Mum directed my attention to................

her 2 mops and outside broom. You can imagine my excitement!!!!!
Mum has a cleaning lady, so she doesn't use the mops much, but the outdoor broom is usually in use fairly regularly.
But the mystery remained.
She beckoned me to examine them more closely............

There tucked in behind the broom was a birds nest, perched on top of the mops.
Mum has been watching it for a couple of weeks now, avoiding using her laundry door, respecting the privacy of the occupants.
and this is the result..........

three tiny little chicks cuddled up on top of Mums domestic floor cleaning equipment!
Would you choose ....... here?
I just hope that the whole thing doesn't collapse as the chicks grow, and that Mums' cleaning lady continues to bring her own supplies!
To avoid any disasters we bought a new mop today, as a precaution.