I have a friend called Jill. She lives in Sydney and last week she came to stay for a few days. Jill has been a part of my life for about 10 years, and we have a friendship that is stronger now than at any time during the past decade. As a couple Wayman and I enjoyed being part of a friendship group that included Jill and her husband. At that time we all attended the same church. Before we moved to Sydney I had only lived in Adelaide, and these people helped me to feel at home in a much bigger, faster paced city.
I have a photo of us all, minus one couple.
[with three younger couples, as you will be able to see!]

Now dear friends, you are probably thinking, who on earth would wear an all green outfit?
That's me!
And in case you have missed it, I had matching green shoes!
Quite a feat! I was very proud of them!
Let me introduce these lovely ladies:
From the left:
Ruth J is in the pink blouse: she has a wicked sense of humour, she always enjoyed Wayman's schoolboy pranks. I can still hear her chuckling at his antics.
Gwen is next in the white trousers: This lady is the hostess with the mostess! An invitation to dinner in her home is a coveted thing.
Nitia is standing between Gwen and her [Nitias] daughter-in-law. She took me under her wing and helped me cope with Sydney life, teaching me that many women had moved like me and that if they could do it, so could I!
On the other side of the young couple, is Jill hiding behind her husband, more about her later.
Next is Alison, with the red top, standing between her husband and Wayman. Alison is one of the nicest people I know. She is generous, and kind with a beguiling nature that draws you to her.
Then there is me in the green suit..........what was I thinking?
My friend Berry and her husband didn't come on this weekend so I haven't got a photo of her. She and I were in a book club together and we enjoyed many deep conversations, not always about our books. I miss Berry.
Back to Jill.
The fact that she is hiding behind her man is very interesting. Jill is tall, elegant and confident.
I have come to appreciate her immensely. She is a dream to shop with, everything she puts on looks stunning. I just stand back and watch as the assistants bring in items for her try.
Last week we tried on the same shirt.
I couldn't stop laughing, we looked like Danny Devito and Arnie Swarchenegger in twins!
But she is also very caring. Recently she sent me a package with small individually wrapped gifts for me to open on days when I was feeling a bit down.
Here is an example:

Each one had a verse from the Bible and some special treats to brighten my day.
While I now live in a different place, and my life has changed enormously, I am grateful that God has given me Jill, and special memories of this group of women that have enriched my life.
So thanks Jill, for being my sister in Christ.

Thanks also to the "coffee group" and keep on befriending others as you did me.