June 26, 2011

45 of 59

Today I had a lovely afternoon.
I chose to go through some very old photos. They took me on a journey through my teens and early married life.
Rather than making me sad for my loss, they gave me great pleasure as I relived the precious love affair I have had with Wayman.
You see I don't mind being 59, I have had an amazing life, God has blessed me abundantly and I am grateful for 45 wonderful years.

I would totally understand if you didn't read any further.... this is so self indulgent.

But it is my blog so....

I met Wayman when I was a fourteen year old, rather plain farmers daughter.

You can see what I mean [sorry the photo is crooked]

Wayman moved to our small town.
He was neither a farmers son, nor plain

I think you will understand this was very attractive to me, when boys were considered sophisticated if they carried a handkerchief..... and used it!
Wayman not only carried a handkerchief, but his mother sent him to school with a crease pressed in his the front of his trousers!
THAT was sophistication!

Don't ask me how, but I "caught his eye." Actually there weren't many other girls of my age.
Or perhaps I was the only one silly enough to fall for a handkerchief carrying schoolboy with a crease in his trousers!

Sorry for the photography, I think my 16 year old sister was taking the photos and had some trouble with centering the subjects!

He enjoyed posing and you can see my conservative nature in this photo as I try to get him to behave for the camera!

Wayman moved away from our town not long after these photos were taken. The other boys didn't stand a chance after such a stud had graced the stage of my ordinary little life.

I have loved him ever since, and the amazing thing to me is that he loved me back!!!!!

I hope you will understand if I leave his name in the title of the blog for a while.
I promise not to write about him all the time, but I might take a trip down memory lane every now and then.

There are other things in my life that I will blog on. I have grandchildren, a garden, friends and family so I am sure to find something to write about.
But after all 45 out of 59 years is a big piece of my life to love and be loved.

June 18, 2011

Doing OK

I am so blessed to be surrounded by wonderful family and friends here at home, and further afield.
I am cared for with love and concern.

Thank you all for supporting me in so many different ways.
If I may be so bold, please continue to pray for me, write to me and call me. I may not get back to you, but I am so grateful for your contact at this time.

I am asked by people how I am doing and my reply is that I am doing OK.

Now, there are two ways of saying this:

The first is: "Actually, in spite of immense sadness and loss, I am doing OK!"

This is a positive statement that I hope will display my very real inner peace.
Nothing can fill the hole of Wayman's death, but I am coping OK.

The second is: "I'm doing..................ok."

At these times it is a case of holding on, as I try to just get through the day.
I know these days are to be expected.

This morning I went to church, and stayed for coffee after the service. This is the first time I have been able to do this, and I was greatly encouraged by my church family. So many of you came and spoke to me, I loved it!

You changed my day from

"I'm doing...........ok."


"I'm doing OK!"

I am so glad that God has shared you with me!

June 10, 2011

God's precision timing

Cassie and Nathan have given me their permission to blog on the amazing timing of events that they experienced in May.
We were all very aware that Wayman's condition was worsening and while the Taskers had said goodbye in February, they were preparing to cancel events to be here for the funeral when necessary.
They had a booking to play in the Royal Albert Hall in the middle of May and Nathan's team had arranged for the launch of his CD in America to take place about a week later.
Both of these were very important, so we prayed that God would allow them to go ahead.

Nathan played the convention in London while Wayman was still at home.

I imagine it must be most artists dream to play this venue!
Cassie commented that the experience of hearing this wonderful building filled with men singing with great enthusiasm was awe inspiring!

They then had the opportunity to have some time with godly friends in Sheffield.

Wayman went into hospital while they were there, and I rang them as they were driving to Heathrow to catch a flight home to Nashville to tell them that he had gone Home.

The CD launch was also very important, and Nathan's team had put together a wonderful group of people to join him, including Bebo Norman, Plumb, Keith Getty and Charlie Peacock. Nathan's good friends Gabe Scott and Todd Bragg played as well.
This happened the day after they arrived back in Nashville.

It was held at Charlie Peacocks home/studio.

It was streamed live, and Angus and I watched it in my lounge room.

They caught a flight to Australia the next day, arriving on Friday morning to spend the weekend with us before Wayman's funeral.

Are you keeping up with me????

We loved being together at last, and around the dinner table that evening we told stories and marvelled at God's precision timing.

Nathan then told us the news that Cassie is pregnant!!!

There was a lot of hugging and exclaiming and excitement!

Angus was the one who first mentioned God's hand in the timing of this news.
Wayman would have been so very sad if he had known this, as the thought of not seeing the addition to our family would have been heartbreaking for him.

God spared him that.

God really does bless us.....and in this case the blessings are bountiful......

because they are expecting twins!!!!!!!

June 2, 2011


Cassie turned 30 this week.
I have heard others say that it only seems like yesterday that their children were babies.

It is half a life time ago for me now and it really does seem that long.
I am not spending too long contemplating the passing of time, as it isn't a constructive thing for me to do right now.

But she was a really happy little girl..........

........who had a twinkle in her eyes!

We had a lovely day, starting her birthday with breakfast for 3 at Red Door coffee shop in Balhannah.

I then babysat Jont and Miss P so their mothers could have a leisurely coffee with Aunty Cass.
We walked to the play ground, picked flowers from the neighbourhood gardens and chatted the whole way.

Jont decided that we should become super heroes so we could visit Grandpa in heaven.
He looked up at me, and I think the reality of Granny in a super hero suit was a bit much, as he decided in the end that perhaps it wouldn't work!

Dinner at Assargios in Hyde Park with the Marauns and Rainbows was a fitting end to the day.

We all agreed that Wayman would have been pleased with the celebration.

Cass has grown into a delightful woman, her Dad was very proud of her.

She and Nathan have been wonderful company, and I will miss them when they return home to Nashville next week.

I am happiest here in our home, enjoying the opportunity to work in the garden, and read in front of the fire. Life continues, and I am allowing myself time to reflect on a wonderful husband and Father.

And I am learning to trust God with the future.