May 23, 2011

A time to mourn.


30/1/1951 - 16/5/2011

predestined, called, justified, now glorified

Yesterday we held Waymans funeral.

It was surreal standing in the church with a casket before me and a one dimensional picture of him in my hand.

We sang beautiful old hymns, and we read from Gods word, the Bible, and we prayed.
The family wrote the eulogy with me, and I hope we captured a little bit of him in our reminiscence.

So many of you were there!
Rod Denton and Paul Turner, the men who stood with Wayman the day we were married.
Geof and Peter Motley, who Wayman travelled with throughout South East Asia.
Doug and Val Twelftree whose daughters boarded with us when our family were just babies.
Cousins from my family and Waymans.
My family.
Old friends from EBC and new ones from our church family here at Trinity Mount Barker.
Friends from Sydney.
Friends of the girls.

Geoff and Ros Morgan
I wanted to talk to you all morning Geoff, it felt as if a little bit of Wayman was with me.

John, Geoff, Peter, Heather, Kirsten, Jim, Bob and so many more from M and B days.

Jane Kevin and Sharad.
How he loved working with you!

I knew most of you, but there where some of you from the business world that I didn't know.
I kept thinking, if Wayman were here he would know you!
He would take me over to you, and introduce me to you.

I wanted to speak to everyone of you.

But in the end, the only one I wanted there, wasn't there, cause he has gone Home.

May 18, 2011

Saying goodbye

We have spent the past two days together, just being in each others company.

It is a strange time as any one who has been here would agree, everything is normal, but of course nothing is.
The girls have been filling their days with the little people who have a way of distracting you.
Angus has been home from work and has been wonderful here with multiple things.
We decided that an arrangement we had to upgrade the driveway would proceed as we had machinery booked.
Shane has been busy overseeing that. He has been working with little sleep, the final job is worth the effort.

Cassie and Nathan are now packing to fly home.

We have arranged Waymans funeral for
Monday 23rd at 10.30 in
Holy Trinity 87 North Terrace
This church is just by the Morphett street bridge

There will be tea and coffee in the church hall following the service.
We have chosen to have a private committal for the immediate family.

Please join us at Holy Trinity if you can. We are mourning our loss, and rejoicing in Waymans place in glory.

May 16, 2011


It is with immense sadness for our family but great joy for Wayman that I write to tell you he went home to glory on the afternoon of Monday the 16th.

Belinda, Stephanie and I were with him and can testify to his peaceful passing.

Cassie and Nathan are flying home to Nashville from London and will turn around to join us at the end of the week.

We are anticipating that we will hold a funeral service on Monday.

I will post details when they are finalised.

All the days ordained for me
were written in your book
before one of them came to be.
Psalm 139:16

May 11, 2011

A rest for Ruth

Much has happened in the last week.
I have been prevented from blogging by a fault in the site.

Last weekend we decided to have no further treatment. The last one seemed to be of no benefit and our oncologist felt there was nothing more he could offer us. Wayman and I agreed that to pursue further options would not be wise.

On Tuesday Wayman was admitted to a private hospital here in the hills. He could see that I was becoming very tired and when a stay in hospital was offered to him, he accepted it.
I am extremely grateful for his concern for me. I was prepared to continue to care for him at home with support, but I was becoming a bit sleep deprived. Now there are others doing the nursing and I can be his wife.

He is comfortable, spending his time in bed wanting to sleep most of the time, eating a little, able to interact with us for short bursts.

The staff are wonderful, most of them are mature women and we have our 5th GP, a lovely woman who specialises in palliative care.

We are coming to the end of our journey.
Heaven is near.

May 6, 2011

A friend called Frances

I first heard about Frances when Wayman was diagnosed. A friend at church told me I had to meet her.
Time went by and we have gone through the various treatments and have been wonderfully cared for by many different health professionals. We will return next week to see if Wayman is to continue with his current treatment.
Over the course of this journey an Oncologist, a radio-oncologist, an endocrinologist and four different GPs have all been involved. There have been many times when Wayman has been less than patient, waiting in rooms to be seen long after our appointment time has passed. More than once he has said in a not very subtle tone that "this would never happen in business!" I must admit I did chuckle one day as I witnessed another wife trying to quieten her impatient man who was struggling with a long wait!

But back to Frances.

We were put in touch with her by our GP. She is part of the palliative care team here. She is a most engaging woman, who has made us feel like her friends not her clients, which of course we are. We have been on her case list for quite some time now, and she has been checking on us regularly.
At the moment she visits us at home helping me to manage Waymans condition by providing equipment and the information necessary to access things I might need.

But more than that she talks to Wayman with honesty and common sense allowing him to have input into his care. She has helped him understand the progress of this disease and has given him insight into what is to come in this life. I am very grateful for her expertise and manner, that have helped us navigate a most difficult time. Wayman wants to stay at home and to be cared for here. Frances will provide the various supporting services that will enable this to happen.

She has also been my confidant as I try to care for Wayman. She understands the difficulties I face and has helpful advice for me as she has seen many spouses go through this process.

Praise God for Frances!

Pray also for Wayman and I as we work together to keep him comfortable and engaged through the next little while. Pray also for Belinda, Angus, Steph and Shane as they help me.

Cassie and Nathan have a very exciting and busy May and are planning to be back here some time in June. Pray that they may be of use for the kingdom in the coming weeks.