I have explained the hoped for result with this analogy.
Our journey is like taking a car trip with a child in the back seat. If the child is irritable, and unsettled, it is difficult to ignore them. They are always needing attention to keep them under control. If they are quiet and well behaved you can take the ride more comfortably. The child is still there, but when they are quiet you can concentrate on other things.
Waymans tumour is our child in the back seat. This drug is helping to keep the activity under control. It won't make it disappear. The oncologist was encouraged this week with his response, so he has had a third treatment.
The side effects are quite profound, sleepiness is Waymans constant companion and he has to deal with other things like mouth ulceration and small bleeds into his muscles.
I am monitoring his diabetes with varying degrees of intensity. I want to give him some freedom but high BSLs cause some issues, infection being a constant possibility.
He is still enjoying his food, and while he isn't moving about much outside, I am grateful that it is football season, and that Collingwood are playing well.
Please pray for me as I am required to do more for Wayman and I need to stay fit and strong.
At this stage I am coping well, as I use nursing skills that are decades old!
We are reading Romans at the moment, and I have added some verses that were part of the reading from the royal wedding. We watched the big day with delight. No-one does pomp and ceremony like the Brits!