Wayman saw his oncologist today in preparation for round two of his chemotherapy.
Dr P was very pleased with his blood picture, and has increased the level of drugs that he will take for the next 5 days. The dose will increase by a third from last month. Please pray that he will continue to tolerate the regime.
He is suffering with a chest infection, which is causing him some discomfort. The secondary things are often the things that are very front of mind. Pray that the measures taken to control this will help.
We do have some points of praise. We have managed to find a solution to the cramps that have kept Wayman awake at nights. It is a real blessing to him to be able to sleep well. Praise God also for Waymans continued peace and trust in Him.
Last weekend Wayman had the delight of attending a M & B reunion here in Adelaide. He loved seeing people who worked with him in a remarkable company. The M of M & B flew in adding to the day. So many memories, and many good friends to share them with. We have followed a busy time with a few days for just the two of us. A young friend reminded me recently that we need to have time for us, and we have enjoyed the start to this week at home.
So we continue the journey, thankful for each day, and trusting Him to carry us through tomorrow.
PS Our tree in the courtyard is covered in leaves, and the roses are about to be ablaze with colour. I will post pictures soon to show my Sydney friends our beautiful SA roses!!