August 31, 2010

enjoying the garden

The week has started well, with the weather allowing Wayman to get outside to cut the lawns, and repair some damage following heavy rain over the past couple of weeks. I am delighted that he has the energy as it is wonderful therapy for him. It lifts our spirits to be outside. The daffodils are making an amazing splash of colour. I will attempt to put a photo on the blog next week!
The family has arranged to take us Melbourne for the weekend to see Wayman's beloved Collingwood play in the first AFL final. I have a head cold, so am not looking forward to the expected cold and wet weather. Fortunately Wayman has avoided it so far, probably due to his prophylactic antibotics. He is struggling with the concept of being the centre of attention, but is very grateful for wonderful friends and family. He loves to hear from you all.
Praise God for this time of renewed energy, clarity of thought and work in the garden.

August 29, 2010

Trusting His very great and precious promises

Would you allow me to quote Charles Spurgeon this week?
"When a ship builder erects a boat, does he do so only to keep it on the scaffolding? No, he builds it to sail the seas and to weather the storms. In fact, if he does not think of strong winds and hurricanes as he builds it, he is a poor shipbuilder.
In the same way, when God made you a believer, He meant to test you. And when He gave you promises and asked you to trust them, He made His promises suitable for times of storms and high seas. Do you believe that some of His promises are counterfeit, similar to a life vest that looks good in the store but is of no use in the sea?
We have all seen swords that are beautiful but are useless in war, or shoes made for decoration but not for walking. Yet God's shoes are made of iron and brass, and we can walk all the way to heaven in them, without even wearing them out. And we can swim the Atlantic a thousand times in His life vest with no fear of ever sinking. His Word of promise is meant to be tried and tested."

We cannot imagine being in our situation without His very great and precious promises.

August 22, 2010

3 weeks into treatment

Wayman is half way through his radiotherapy, and he continues to tolerate it well. He has some minor side effects, but we are able to manage them. The routine requires us to travel to the city once and sometimes twice a day, so we are having a great deal of time chatting in the car.
The conversation is often mundane, why isn't Glen Osmond road a clear way ALL day, how brilliant the wattle trees are in the hills, do we need to stop at the fruit market again?
But often we talk about more important things, and I am constantly amazed at Wayman's solid trust in our Fathers love and care for us. He encourages me to have an eternal perspective through this time.

August 12, 2010


This week has seen Wayman enjoy increased clarity as the radiotherapy gives him relief from symptoms. He is gaining weight after loosing a significant amount when he was diagnosed. I am constantly having to restock the refrigerator! Thankfully he has now been classed a type 1 diabetic, which enables us to control his blood sugar levels completely with insulin. The drugs used in his treatment are responsible for raised BSLs in non-diabetics, so we face a daily battle to keep him stable. This is only complicated by his increased appetite, again due to the drug regime.

Cassie and Nathan have headed home to Nashville, they were a great help to us while they were here. The Rainbows and Marauns are maximising their time with Wayman.

The commitment of seeing 5 different doctors as well as attending radiotherapy demands some co-ordination but we are managing to see everyone and still have time at home.

Thank God for Wayman's improved condition, and his high spirits.
Please pray that I will stay well, and have the mental and physical energy to continue to care for him, which is my hearts desire.

August 8, 2010

Wayman's diagnosis of a Glioma deep in the frontal lobe of his brain about a month ago has lead us to create this blog to keep our family and friends informed about his condition. We understand that this condition is terminal, and have investigated all the options for treatment and are confident that we are following the best advice available. Our hope is that it will give us some extra time as a family and we trust our loving heavenly Father to continue to care for us all.

Wayman has commenced his radiotherapy and chemotherapy concurrently. He is tolerating both well and we are in a routine of going to St Andrews hospital 5 days a week. He is enjoying good health, continuing to do the crossword in the paper, and working in the garden. At this stage he is not bothered with headaches, although the drug regime has affected his diabetes, with his blood sugar levels being elevated.

If you are lead to pray for us please ask for continued peace and assurance of God's love for us, and that the treatment over the next 5 weeks be as effective as possible.

Thank you, Ruth